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My personal Faith as a Massorite Talmidi Jew

"God has shown you, O man, what is good. So what does YHVH require of you? It is surely, acting out of justice, love of mercy, and humbling yourself to walk with your God." Mikhah 6:8

"They will beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war any more." Mikhah 4:3

Thank you for visiting my website. May YHVH be with you and grant you peace.

I have built this website to share a little of my personal faith. I am a Talmidi Jew, and I follow Massorite (traditional) practices.

There are several things I appreciate about Talmidaism. I value the teaching to practice one's religion with compassion, justice and humility. I believe this is how we spread the Kingdom of God.

I also value following the practices of ancient Judaism - returning to the ways of the biblical Israelite religion. I have found that, in so doing, I have come to an uplifting and intimate relationship with God. This is precious to me.

To my fellow Jews I want to give a message of hope - that YHVH, the God of Avraham, Yitzchaq and Ya`aqov, is our Saviour and Redeemer. I believe that if we turn to YHVH, and cease relying on the false hopes of human beings, then Israel will find eternal and true peace.

To those among the Nations who revere the God of Israel, I want to extend a message of understanding, tolerance and friendship.

This is me, Shmu'el ben Naftali, in traditional costume, taken in July 2004